I see you X3

Monkeyjelly (826)

Ashi Salaam? (How are you?) are you ready to kick some ass and eat some sandwiches together?Just kidding. But anyway, I'm a nice and loving 24-year-old African American with a mixture of Jamaicans from my mom's side. I reside in the southern part of Tennessee with my family. Kroger bagger/College student/Artist by night! I'm Bisexual and like men more than women.I love to travel, read books, love tofu and other vegetarian meals, and play video games in my free time. I love to make new friends on my travels and through many other experiences. I always encourage others to achieve their goals and help them by giving them tips and other silly things I learned in my life.Right now I'm continuing my education by getting my bachelor's degree in CIS (Computer Information Systems) and one day work for any security firm in the future or develop something new that can one day be useful.If you like my art or anything I do, follow me on Twitter, or watch Furaffinity or DeviantArt. Thanks for looking at my Bio.Monkeyjelly is Signing off. X3

I see you X3

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